Thursday, July 31, 2008 - Thanks, Its simply brilliant innovative idea

First things first, for people who don't know what is digg let me explain it to you. is a website which allow authors or content owners to submit their useful content to the digg site. Now this content may be some informative or educational article, may be some diagram or a good photo you captured from your camera or this may be the video you captured. Now you can not only submit to but also it your content is good it will get more votes called diggs from the digg members and your content will be more popular. As only web link and description of your content is submitted to digg so people who want to see your content always visit your site to check out the content which leads good traffic for your site. was the website which came with the brilliant idea of content sharing and content rating. Then it was followed by lots of other websites which include "", "technorati" and lots of other websites. Now they all work differently but the good thing is they all provide the writers an opportunity to share there good content.

Good thing about digg site is its voting system. If you liked a content, you simply digg it and the more a content or article is dugg, the more will be its popularity. So this with this system of voting or digging the good stories or content which really worth popularity they get popular in seconds and article authors don't have to make extra efforts to get their good stuff popular. is like information bank. With I grantee you that you will never get boor again. When you are free just go to digg site. Just browse to your favourite category and start reading the most popular items from your category and most obviously most popular means the best article.

Digg have opened new horizons for authors. Now they they don't simply have to write article and then waste their time to get it to people. Now authors have only one thing to worry that their content must be the quality content and rest is on digg. You just deliver quality the digg will take care of the rest.

Good thing is if you have quality content and you have not submitted it to digg, most probably some one else will take it and submit it to digg on your behalf and this way your content will be in reach of lots of people.

Digg and such other sites also help people in increasing the search engine visibility of their content. As content gets submitted soon after that its digg page starts appearing in the search engine results as digg is already an indexed and well popular website.

For authors it must be the routine to write article then publish it and then submit it to the digg. Then through the small button script digg people provide you must link your article to digg. It helps in a way that people visiting your article don't have to specially go back to page of your article to digg it if they liked it.

Digg not only it self done this and provided the opportunity to authors to put their content to the test and heights of popularity, it came up with lots of followers. Followers are lots of other new sites coming in day by day which provide authors with the same facilities as digg. Which is a good sign authors will have more opportunities and these sites will have more competition an urge to improve the way they work and urge to be the best into the industry.

Best thing about the traffic which is sent to you from digg is that is fully targeted and relevant traffic. I more love the technology and love to read about it. So when I visit digg I directly go to technology section and then pick a story from there and start reading it. It not only pleases me but also in this way it causes the content to reach those people or person for whom the content was intended by the author.

Remember its not only for article authors you can share the images, drawings and videos exactly same way. Same rating system works for your videos and images making the good ones popular.

So above content shows how digg changes lives of people and help them reach to their favourite content. So if you have not started using, get an account today and start using for good right from this moment. So are you ready for the journey, so fasten your seat belts and jump in right now.

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